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Category | Business | Address | Telephone | Email | Website |
Garage | Test 1 Business Name | Test 1 Address | 01597000001 | test1@email.com | http://www.test1.com |
Pub | Test 2 Business Name | Test 2 Address | 01597000002 | test2@email.com | http://www.test2.com |
Garage | Test 3 Business Name | Test 3 Address | 01597000003 | test3@email.com | http://www.test3.com |
Pub | Test 4 Business Name | Test 4 Address | 01597000004 | test4@email.com | http://www.test4.com |
Garage | Test 5 Business Name | Test 5 Address | 01597000005 | test5@email.com | http://www.test5.com |
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