Growing Mid Wales Partnership
The Growing Mid Wales Partnership is a strong regional partnership comprising of representative bodies from across the private, public and voluntary sector in mid Wales, and was established early in 2015.
It includes significant membership drawn from the private sector including partners representing manufacturing, agricultural and tourism businesses, together with higher and further education, the voluntary sector, Welsh Government and local government representatives.
The Partnership seeks to:
• Achieve more and better economic outcomes across the region by working in partnership.
• Lead the region’s collaborative approach to economic development.
• Agree priorities for jobs and economic growth in the region.
• Provide a strong voice for the almost entirely rural regional economy in mid Wales.
Transforming Towns Placemaking Grant (2022-25)
The Transforming Towns Placemaking Grant provides capital funding for local businesses, social enterprises, and public bodies to enable a broad and flexible programme of support for a wide range of projects that can help to rejuvenate town centres across mid-Wales.
The Transforming Towns Placemaking Grant provides capital funding for local businesses, social enterprises, and public bodies to enable a broad and flexible programme of support for a wide range of projects that can help to rejuvenate town centres across mid-Wales.