Arolwg Cynllun Gweithredu Economaidd Rhanbarthol 2018
Regional Economic Action Plan Survey 2018
Digwyddiadau ymgynghori
Consultation events
Cynllun gweithredu Canolbarth Cymru i yrru twf economaidd
Mae angen barn busnesau Canolbarth Cymru ar ddyfodol economi’r ardal a mesurau i hybu twf.
Mae Partneriaeth Tyfu Canolbarth Cymru, sy’n gyfuniad o sefydliadau’r sector cyhoeddus a phreifat a sefydlwyd i atgyfnerthu economi’r ardal, wedi comisiynu ymgynghorwyr i ddatblygu cynllun economaidd i yrru twf. Mae’r gwaith hwn yn dilyn cyhoeddi cynllun gweithredu economaidd newydd Llywodraeth Cymru a chyhoeddi’r posibilrwydd o Fargen Twf y Canolbarth yng nghyllideb yr Hydref.
Bydd yr Ymgynghorwyr AECOM yn gofyn barn busnesau ar faterion megis cysylltedd digidol, cymorth i fusnesau, seilwaith trafnidiaeth a sgiliau er mwyn nodi beth sy’n atal twf a’r cyfleoedd am dwf yn yr ardal.
Cymryd rhan...
Gall fusnesau gymryd rhan yn yr arolwg ar-lein trwy’r ddolen ganlynol:
Views wanted to help shape Mid Wales economic plan
Mid Wales businesses are being encouraged for their views on the future of the region’s economy and what can be done to boost growth.
The Growing Mid Wales Partnership, an amalgamation of public, private and voluntary sector organisations set up to strengthen the region’s economy, has commissioned consultants to help develop an economic action plan for Mid Wales. This follows from the publication of the Welsh Government’s new economic action plan and the announcement of a potential Growth Deal for Mid Wales in the autumn budget.
The Partnership are asking business for views on issues such as digital connectivity, business support, transport infrastructure and skills, to identify opportunities for growth in the region.
Taking part...
Businesses and organisations can take part in the online survey using the following link:
Sut i gysylltu â ni/ For further information please email: